Still reeling from
Mother's Day fever, I've compiled some of my Mommy's beauty advices over the years. They may be oldies but still goodies. Do feel free to follow them, because my Mommy certainly has really beautiful skin till now. I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes that I would inherit that good genes of Mommy's. Passages in intersections are my own comments regarding the advices listed
1) Stay out of the sun!
[That's really tough. Because for as long as I can remember, I've always been under the sun. I'm a very outdoorsy kinda person. I love being under the sun. But, I've paid the price of too much sun exposure, I have some fine lines and premature aging, which my Mommy has predicted looking at the amount of sun I've soaked in everyday :( Been using sunscreen now or at least creams and makeup with SPF 15 in it. It's never too late to start now]
2) Don't touch your face too often.
[ I really like to touch my face every now and then to check if I have any new bumps on my face. Yeah, quite obsessed about those unsightly bumps. But the more I touch my face, the more bumps there are. Especially the parts where I rest my palms on or where my mobile touches my face. So, I'm really trying my best not to touch my face as much as possible and I think I'm doing quite a good job at that. Mommy should be proud]
3) Always shower with a loofah to exfoliate your entire body.
That's good advice, because a loofah really helps to exfoliate my skin very well. Also, it aids in gentle blood circulation. The downside is, sometimes it's quite a bummer when I'm running late. But, I still try to use the loofah everytime I shower if not I can cheat with my scrumptious Philosophy coconut salt scrub. My mommy has been using a loofah for decades and still religiously using it everyday. She does have remarkable skin]
4) After washing your face, use a face brush to brush the face gently.
I've never understood why my mom asked me to do this all the time but now I know, it's actually exfoliating my dead skincells on my skin's surface. I've been doing that for years and years. In fact I'm using the exact same face brush from Shiseido which my mom uses too. As a matter of fact, it's quite a habit using it. I actually miss it if I didn't use it]
5) Eat more fruit and vegetables if you want to have beautiful and clear skin.
I totally agree on this. Vitamin-packed fruit and veggies really do your skin alot of good. You can really see the difference in your skin if you eat enough of them. If you can't munch on too many fruits a day, try blending different fruits and drink the juice. Preferably immediately after juicing so they're not oxidized. My mom is a real huge consumer of fruit and veggie produce. Not surprisingly, she looks really very young for her age]
6) Sleep early EVERYDAY before 12 midnight.
My mom always nags me about sleeping early if I wanna have good skin. You know, especially when you're younger in the earlier days, it's really very difficult to sleep early. You have your parties, you have your studies and last minute assignments to hand over the next day. But, have to admit it, sleeping early is your skin's best friend. Not only sleeping early, but having a really skin loving deep sleep. My skin feels so much more supple if I have sufficient sleep. Fine lines are plumped. Makeup also glides on more smoothly on well rested skin. Trust me, you got to try sleeping early and see the difference. And yes, Mommy, don't say "I told you so!" *wink*]Labels: Beauty Tips, Blog tagging, Mother's Day, Skincare Tips
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