Beauty products for dry skin
Dry skin simply means your skin does not retain enough moisture at its surface, thus, making it look parsed. When skin is dry, it gets rough and course to the touch. As though that's not bad enough, the surface of your skin is all clogged up with dead skin, which leads to flaky skin. UUrgh... However, fear not, I have just the right remedy for you to combat dry skin.Good news is, I will be revealing to you my secret beauty products along the way. So, start loofah-ing your dry skin away :P
Dry Skin No More
1. Change your bath/shower routine. If you can, try not to soak in a tub too long. Water on the surface of your skin can easily evaporate thus sapping moisture off your skin along the way. Another trick is, in the mornings, you can limit your bath by just soaping your underarms, neck, feet and your hands. Soap and shower gels are actually the culprits who dry out your skin. Gently pat dry your skin instead of vigorous rubbing to retain as much natural moisture as possible. Remember to moisturize your whole body with a good body lotion after each bath or shower to replace lost moisture. If dry spots develop throughout the day, re-apply body lotion in these areas again. Important note: For serious dry skin patches on the body try a hydrocortisone cream. You can buy them over the counter pharmacies.
Shea Butter Body Bar is also good for dry skin. It has shea butter to nourish and moisturize your skin in the shower.
2. Dip in a milk bath to instantly rehydrate and energize skin. It works wonders :) You can read more about this from Amazing Body Care
3. Cleansing your face. Change from a soap based cleanser to a rich moistuire cleanser to retain the moisture from your skin. Sometimes after washing your face, the skin feels tight, it means you have dried out your skin. Change to a cream cleanser immediately. Alternatively, you can use facial wipes to cleanse your face. Never use bath soap on your face!!
Clinique Comforting Cream Cleanser is the perfect choice for very dry skin
4. Tone and moisturize. Moisturizing the face and neck is most important in the mornings and in the evenings after you have cleansed your face. Remember not to rub your face as it stresses skin and you lose more moisture. Pat gently. Bad new is, the loss of moisture causes fine lines and wrinkles to become more obvious and more stubborn to get rid of. Use a rich moisture toner and a moisturizer with a high moisture level and with active ingredients to renew and regenerate skin. Moisturize before you wear your makeup and moisturize before you sleep. if you're worried that putting moisturizer as a base before applying makeup makes your face look too oily, simply blot out excess oil with a tissue. Use a night cream moisturizer at nights as it is richer and helps to renew your skin in your sleep.
Prevage Anti-Aging Night Cream by Elizabeth Arden and Allergan
is an excellent night creme, rich in texture and helps to regenerate skin while you sleep
For day time, you can use MD Skincare All in One Tinted Moisturizer SPF 15 Light to Medium to cover up blemishes and be moisturized at the same time
If your skin itches, rub more body lotion to the affected areas. The skin itches because dry air is causing the moisture in the top layer of the skin to evaporate quickly.
Another common problem is flaking skin. Your skin flakes because dry skin cells are collected at the surface of your skin and they are clumped together with oil, forming flakes. Lightly remove them with a loofah or body exfoliating scrubs and immediately after that apply body lotion over the areas.
5. Equip your bag with a hand lotion and body lotion everywhere you go. Apply hand lotions after everytime you wash your hands. Most times, you neglect your hands and signs of aging are very apparent on the hands. Use a non greasy hand lotion if you prefer. Reapply body lotion to trouble spots whenever necessary.
L'Occitane Lavender Harvest Ultra Rich Body Cream 6.6oz is perfect for very dry skin. The soft soothing scent of lavendar soothes you while it rejuvenates and hydrates your skin
L'Occitane Shea Butter Extra Gentle Lotion For Hands & Body 10.1oz can be used for hands and your body. Talk about double the benefits in one bottle
6. Each and everytime after you've shaved your legs, remember to moisturize. After all, you are shaving off a layer of protection from your legs. For a close shave, wet your skin in warm water to soften hair before shaving. Do not drag the razor across your skin, instead go for multiple light strokes to not hurt your skin further. Following this will enable you to have beautiful silky skin. Alternatively, if you don't fancy shaving, use a hair removal cream or even waxing.
7. Hydrate yourself with lots of fluids and water. Drink more water and juices to keep your skin moisturized and to make up for loss fluids throughout the day. You can also read more on health benefits of H2O. Drinking coffee and tea will not help, instead it dries your skin further. Also, keep a good diet by eating all foods from each food group. Good nutrition shows on your skin.
Sounds like a handful of things to remember; but once you get into the routine, it's simple and you'll be flattered with very enviable skin :P Be comfortable in your own skin
Labels: Bath and Body, Best Bath Store, Cleanser, Clinique, Elizabeth Arden, L'occitane, MD Skincare, Moisturizer, Skincare Tips

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