First thing that struck me when I saw this picture, taken at the Council of Fashion Designers Award, were the complete opposites of Maggie Gyllenhaal and Posh Spice. Never mind that Posh always wears the highest heels like she was born to wear heels, and the fittest pair of legs in town nor the brilliant Maggie, noted thespian and sister of Jake Gyllenhaal. It's just the in-your-face contrast between the two; from the way they wear their hair, makeup, choice of clothes and shoes right down to their body language.

I remember as a kid, I used to enjoy playing games like spotting the difference. Apparently, it has not worn off even when I'm already (ahem) a grown woman now *wink* Can you spot the difference(s)?
Note: To achieve Posh's glowing smooth skin, try out this
Summer Skin Body Smoothie.
Labels: Maggie Gyllenhaal, Posh Spice, Red Carpet showdown
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