Yeah. Easier said than done though.
Been stressed out lately and like clockwork the first apparent signs of stress manifests in my skin :( I felt a few unsightly bumps under my skin, some discoloration especially around the eye area (okok, it's the dreaded dark eye circles) and dry flaky skin on the forehead and nose area. It was too much stress to handle all in one go! Not forgetting, there is also a major culprit in the form of my trusty visit from Aunt Flo every month *wink* Must all these happen at the same time in one big collossal bang? Geez, like please give my poor skin a break, pretty please.
Ok, ok, I've been known to be just a little on the dramatic side.
Hence, I've resorted to pry open my secret vault of beauty tips and remedies *wink* It's my treasure chest of handy beauty tips. Since sharing is caring, here goes:
1) Get rid of the dreaded
blackheads before they turn to acne
So start right away, my dear. I have lots of catching up to do. Pamper yourself crazy because you deserve it :)
Labels: Skincare Tips
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