Have you ever encountered beauty jinxes where things go horribly wrong especially on that very important date/interview? It seems to plague me time and again. I have listed down my very own beauty jinxes. Hopefully, it'll excorsize the 'demons' *wink* I'm wondering do any of you have the same jinxes as me. Here goes the nasties:
The attack of the zits- Just when you're getting ready for an important day tomorrow, you make sure you sleep early, have more than enough water for supple skin and you follow your daily beauty regime as always. Lo and behold the next day when you wake up you see that irritating zit staring right back at you. I hate that when it happens. It always have to happen when I have an all-important date. You know, I think I've probably jinxed myself already just talking about it *gasp*
Puffy eyes- This is another major bane to beauty, I'm telling y'all. So, before an all-important date, I would like to wake up to supple skin with no hint of dryness. Dryness really kills the look especially when you apply makeup. So, the night before, I would be applying my eye cream, eye serum - maybe alittle too zealously. Because next day, I'll wake up with puffy eyes due to too much heavy cream around my eye area. Gosh, I have nobody to blame except myself :(
Bad hair day - Oh for goodness sake, I always get this nightmare. My hair is relatively tame most days but just when it matters most, it turns into a
rebellious Medusa. Most times I would wash my hair the last thing before I sleep if I have a very early appointment tomorrow. (Not enough time to wash and blow dry it in the morning and not be late for said appointment) So, I will wash, condition and blow dry it. It looks picture perfect before I hit the sack. But the next day, about 9 out of 10 times, my hair looks awful. Instead of letting my crowning glory down, I have to end up tying it. On other times my hair looks just fine in the morning even if I've washed it the night before. Anybody has any idea why this happens? Or is it just me?
4) Allergy attacks - My allergy attack comes in the form of runny nose, sneezing like 10 times in a row and watery and bloodshot eyes. Hey, not very flattering at all especially during lunch appointments when I'll end up peppering my lunch date with morsels of food. Gross, I know! I've experienced this many many times before. Just on the day when I need to be spick and span, I end up looking like I'm having some withdrawals. Not very funny. So, I always carry anti-histamine tabs with me for days like these. Luckily, they live up to their reputation every time. A big thank you to anti-histamines out there
Trying new products the night before - Never ever experiment new creams or face masks the night before an important day. Seriously, leave it to other normal days. If results turn bad, at least you can still hibernate at home and nurse your face to health before showing your face to the world again. I've tried new facial masks hoping to look all pretty and radiant for my important day with very horrible repercussions. My
sensitive skin ended up blotchy and red. Needed to be covered up with layers of foundation and concealer!! Ok, it may temporarily solve the problem, but still my mood was dampened by the little 'accident' Talk about the quickest way to suck all self-confidence off. Never will I be tempted to try on new products before an important day
So there you go my list of beauty jinxes. Let me know what's yours. If I have enough responses from you guys, I will repost your responses in a future post for all to see :) Hear from you guys very soon
Labels: Beauty Flubs, Beauty SOS
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