Beauty Flub: Hair Coloring Disaster
I will guide you on the best hair coloring products for DIY. Before that, have a little brou-haha laugh at my nightmarish true account of a bodged hair coloring job. Hence, the Hair Maestro was born :P
Why I hate hairdressers?
When I first dyed my hair, I was sweet seventeen and still in high school and it was strictly prohibited. But, being a rebel with a cause, it was just too tempting not to try it. So, I went to the hairdresser near my house after I have saved enough money from skipping lunch and starving myself silly. I specifically told the lady to dye my hair one shade lighter than black, hence it should be very dark brown, since my hair was jet black. She said ok and I repeated, "I'm still in school, please don't make the color too obvious." She reassured me, "Ok, dont you worry your silly little head and it'll turn out just right." So, I was there waiting for her to start.
She poured some smelly liquid out and mixed them and it smells so bad it stings my eyes. She then applied the mixture to my whole head, and it kinda stings my scalp as I suspected.
The Torture Continues... Half the time, I'm wondering if the mixture was too strong or would it make my all my hair fall out. Well, I just shrug it off and said to myself, the pains of beauty, just one step away from it. So after like ages, she checked my hair again and she muttered, "Hmm... the color didnt turn out properly, your hair base color is too dark. " She continued, "...let's wait for another 15-20 mins or so to make sure the color turns out right." So I nodded my head and obliged. Another 20 mins later, she said to wait another 10 mins and I just follwed. The hairdresser knows best.
After a 'little' while more... I was getting impatient with the stinging scalp and my eyes were tearing from the chemicals, she annouced it's time to wash the dye off. Like finally. So I followed her to the washing basin where she proceeded to scratch my entire scalp out. It's already quite sore from the hellish mixture ofhair dye she used on me and now she is scratching it with a freaking vengeance. I was so close to giving her a piece of my mind, but then again, being a newbie to hair salons, I consoled myself - maybe it's to stimulate the scalp and to let all the dye distribute evenly all over my hair.
After all the hellish chemicals seeping into my brains and continuous scratching from that she-demon, she wrapped my hair in a towel and I was waiting in bated breath to see the outcome of the hair color. She then unwrapped the towel, which to me felt like torturous slow motion and when the towel was unravelled, I couldn't believe my eyes. My hair, my precious hair, looked like... a sprout of carrots. For god's sake, it's freaking bright orange. I said, "What in hell's name is that? I wanted dark dark very dark brown!" and she gave me that look like I'm a dumbass I can't tell colors, "Yes, that's dark dark brown. What's wrong with that?" For heaven's sake are you color blind or what? It's freaking orange and she could still argue with me that it was dark, dark very dark brown. My heart just sank to the bottom. My beautiful hair, sweeping my waist, looks like a mop of mutated carrots!!. Oh yeah, being the real sucker I was, I paid for my new carrot mop top too after I've not eaten lunch for a whole month!
I vowed never to let idiots near my hair again!!
Of course, I can always cut my hair and get this
The Perfect 'Cover Up'
So, what do you think I did to my hair to cover it up when I went to school? Well, I wet my hair quite a bit and tied it real tight. Then, by sheer brilliance, I coated the top layer of my hair with very black mascara for eyelashes that I stole from my mom's. Well, it worked for awhile going to school eveyrday with black mascara on my hair and finally I redyed it black. A sheer genius in hairdressing has been born ever since that day :P
The Aftermath
Oh, by the way, ever since that hair dyeing incident, I've always colored my own hair. DIY is the way to go. I normally use Wella, Loreal or Revlon hair dyes. Wella (for good brown selections) or Revlon (for good red tones in their colors) for overall change of hair basecolor and loreal for streaking and highlights. In fact, the Loreal highlighter pack combs in a cool comb like apparatus to apply the highlighting bleaching mixture to your hair, for that efficient streaked look effects. After that, just use a good conditioner, which is already provided in your hair dye kit. Then, for better results, just put on another coat of your usual hair conditioner after you have rinsed out the treatment conditioner from the hair dye kit.
You can visit my step-by-step guide to highlighting and streaking your hair at home
Hair Serum Suggestion
Apply LOREAL Natures Therapy Mega Moisture Shine Serum for Very Dry, Chemically-Processed, Dull Hair 2oz/59ml for a smooth and glossy shiny finish. It smells great too, unlike the oily smell from St. Ive's hair serum.
Give your hair the beautiful shine with Conditioners / Treatments
It's that easy for beautifully colored hair. Have fun with your hair today, says the HAIR MAESTRO :P
Labels: Beauty Flubs, Bleaching. Coloring n Highlights, Gloss n Serums, Loreal

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