3M Nexcare Acne Patch: Surprise Beauty Discovery
Intrigued, she was so generous she passed me a small packet for me to try out. She almost squealed when I asked her how much they are. She said, "FOC for you, plus they are dirt cheap!" Also, she knew I wouldn't be able to get them here, since the product is very much an Asian based product, as far as I know. If I'm not mistaken, it's only sold in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan in drugstores.

You have to cleanse your face then stick the stickers on to your acne spots. Don't apply any moisturizer on the skin prior to it, the stickers don't stick well. Just leave it on and change the stickers when it changes to white. You can basically see some white clouds on the stickers. Those are actually the pus and sebum which the sticker has absorbed from your pimple. It looks gross but it really works! After I've peeled out the sticker, I tried to touch the pus in it, but you can't it's all inside the sticker. Quite a miracle and it's clean and effective. My big pimples have become smaller in size and it really brings inflammation down. Small pimples just fade away over night.
For best use, let the sticker on for about 6 hours or more. It's barely visible unless the person is staring right at your face. It keeps pesky fingers from picking and touching the zits, making them worse. The stickers are waterproof and keeps dirty fingers away effectively *wink* It really absorbs sebum from pimples and swelling and irritations are very much reduced. Once the sticker has turned white, discard it and change to a new sticker. Continue use until the acne has disappeared. Really works like a charm. I'm totally so in love with it.
The only problem is, it's really difficult to get it. Either I get my friends to ship it over to me, or I can get it at ebay.
Labels: 3M, Acne Treatments

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