Say No to Bad Breath on Valentine's Day!

Ok, we already know what a turn off bad breath is, not just on Valentine's but on any occasion at all. It's embarrasing and just uuurgh. I'm those people who has to rinse with mouthwash just to ensure my breath is fresh. It's not nice seeing others around me turning green. Do you know, I've once, so desperately needed mints but I was out of mints and I've just had garlic in my food? You wouldn't have guessed it, but I actually sprayed perfume on the back of my hand and I licked it! Seriously. Yes, that's really how desperate I was. And, it wasn't pleasant. But, the perfume really works but seriously, I wouldn't want to do that ever again. Here are some tips to keep your breath minty fresh especially for this V-day.
Here they are:
When ordering your food on V day, do remember this:
- Meat eaten in large quantities can cause bad breath, mostly due to the digestion process, which begins in the mouth
- Carbohydrates cause the strongest odors in the mouth - sugars, starches and cellulose
- Milk intolerance is also a cause of bad breath. If you're sensitive to dairy products - steer clear of ice cream desserts!
And try these tips after your meal:
- Lick the inside of your wrist - This is the best test to see if your breath is foul
- Use dental floss - Bad breath can be caused by food caught in your teeth
- Chew your garnish! - Parsley is a well-known home remedy for bad breath
- Order the fruit platter as dessert - Fresh fruits help cleanse the mouth after a meal and flush away odor-causing bacteria
[Or excuse yourself to the bathroom and gargle with your mouthwash. Another good tip would be to spritz lemon juice into your mouth. It helps too. And of course, carry mints with you everywhere you go. It's a good habit. You'll never know when you'll need it.]
- Alcohol dries out the mouth, which reduces saliva production. We don't like the dry mouth feeling
- Mojitos contain lots of fresh mint, so order one and ask for an extra mint garnish to chew on after you're done with the drink
- Water will help thwart the dehydration effect of alcohol. Order one glass of water for every drink and you'll stay sober and sweet!
I hope these tips will come in handy for you especially on your Valentine's Day. Have a great Valentine's Day with your loved one!!
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Labels: Beauty Tips, Valentines

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