Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In the beauty world, you should be quite accustomed to seeing 'pink ribbon' or 'pink products' during the month of October. It's actually a great beauty-with-a-cause but somehow these good intentions are easily misconstrued as marketing scams. Some are believed to be merely marketing ploys by companies, reaping in higher profits from increased sales by riding on the coat-tails of the embodiment of the true meaning of the month of October. Most cynics snicker at the fact that it is the companies who ultimately benefit from it's increased sales than the supposedly charitable benefits it touts.
Just to be fair to everyone involved, each pink ribbon promotion is different across differing promotional styles of each company. There are some who donate all proceeds to charity, some a percentage and even some none at all. To ensure you're buying products that's truly charitable, read the fine prints of the promotional labels and choose pink products that resonates closest to your heart. I, on the other hand, love the fact that beauty companies are chipping in to help promote breast cancer awareness on a bigger scale.
However, let's take a closer look at Breast Awareness Month. The keyword is essentially AWARENESS. We may be easily sidelined by various shopping promotions and beauty give-aways through beauty blogs or to even second-guess the real intentions of companies selling pink products. But, the real truth is, as long as these pink product promotions or the mere mention of the pink ribbon in Beauty Tyrant or any other beauty blog reminds you to take your mammogram or a health check, then it is totally worth it in the end.

I would like to end this post with a fantastic video for Breast Cancer Awareness by Total Beauty - Total Cure Campaign. Enjoy!
Labels: Breast Cancer Awareness, Health, Total Beauty, Total Beauty Total Cure Campaign

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