Why women lie: Beauty Shoutout Wednesdays

Hey people, I thought that I find this survey interesting from Betty Confidential. The survey is about why women risk having their knickers on fire. Ahem... not that kinda on fire, but I mean, why women lie. Hmm...I have to be honest, nobody is perfect and we're almost always guilty of some white lies at times. Comments in interceptions are my own opinion of the survey findings. Read on...
Women today are constantly comparing themselves to one another and often beating themselves up when they don’t measure up. Betty Confidential today released the results of a survey, which show that irrespective of all the educational attainment and economic prosperity women have achieved over the past several decades, they continue to struggle with their identities and lie to help come to terms with them.
Women revealed that they lie about a multitude of things. Among the most frequently cited topics were their opinions, relationships, accomplishments and their income.
Putting on a Pretty Face
“Women told us that they lie to create the life they aspire to, and to make themselves feel better about their current life,” said Julie Ryan Evans, editor-at-large. “They don’t feel successful enough or thin enough or happy enough in their relationship, so by telling people the way they wish it could be, they get to feel that for at least a little while.”
More than half of women (55 percent) said they don’t consider withholding information a lie. “This was particularly interesting because so many women try and paint this picture of a perfect life, but much of the information they’re withholding may be about an entirely different life going on behind closed doors,” Ryan Evans continued.
[I wouldn't say that women are lying by painting a rosy picture of their life. I guess we choose to be most honest with people that we trust like our family or friends. Even if we did lie, it's not to cover up, but mostly I think it's like not wanting to wash dirty linens in public. For example, in a cocktail party, it would be nice to say that your marriage is fine then to have the awkward reactions when saying your husband and yourself are undergoing marriage therapy. I also think it's the timing and occasion to properly open up about your honest life to trusted friends or family.]
Weighty Issues
Not so surprisingly, weight was listed as the thing women lie most about, but what was revealing is that they do so even on official documents. When asked if their real weight was on their driver’s license, 68 percent said their driver’s license weight is NOT accurate.
“I lie about my weight out of embarrassment,” said one respondent. “I hate my weight and want it to be lower,” explained another. And a third said she lies about her weight “because the number is too shocking even for my ears and I think I can pull off a lower number.”
[How can we not have the weight issue. I think it's OK to lie about your weight if it makes you feel better about yourself. I mean, don't exaggerate your weight but just to take off a couple of pounds and it wouldn't hurt. About 2-3 kgs lesser is acceptable in my opinion. Be realistic, if you weigh about like Rosie's don't say your weight is about the same as Kate's]
Beware of Strangers
Women admitted to lying most often to strangers; in fact, 33 percent of respondents said they find it “perfectly acceptable” to lie to strangers. Also topping the list of people most often lied to by women were coworkers and/or employees and – significantly –themselves.
[Lying to strangers is ok to me. I mean strangers do not need to know your entire life history in just one encounter. However, lying about your personal matters to co-workers is probably bending more towards the white lie bit. Plus you don't wanna be mixing your personal life with your work too much. However, lying about job related stuff or your credentials and then you're surely busted at work and lose your integrity]
What about Men?
Women reported being selective in what they feel it’s OK for men to lie about. For example, 61 percent said they feel it’s OK for a man to lie to her about how she looks. Forty-eight percent said it’s OK for a man to lie about his attraction to other women; and 39 percent said it’s OK for him to lie about her performance in bed.
“Again, the lies women are OK with men telling are those that create an image of the life they want,” Ryan Evans said. “They want to look good and better than other women and they want to be good in bed, and they’re OK with men telling them that they are…even if they’re not.”
[As a matter of fact, I hate it when men lie to make me feel better. I would like to be told, in my face, as it is. It would really help if men could point out that I should start doing the treadmill more if my ass looks abit more jello then usual. I hate those kind of white lies, covering up the truth when I only need to hear the truth and try to buck up on my part. I like the cold hard facts in this department. However, sadly, most men are schooled in the school of white lies. They usually bend the truth when it comes to these issues]
On the other hand, 91 percent of respondents said it’s not OK for men to lie about their feelings. In fact, lying about their feelings—particularly about love—was identified repeatedly as the worst lie a man could tell: “That he loves you and he doesn’t,” said one respondent. “I love you when he doesn’t mean it,” said another. Another said the worst lie a man could tell her is “That he loves me completely but at some point, I find out he has another family in another state and has been living two lives.”
[You know, I'm surprised that only 91% of women said its NOT ok to lie about feelings. Lying about feelings is a big no no. That is a relationship deal-breaker! I think men should realise that women are able to accept the truth about their feelings and don't have to treat us like babies by telling us white lies. Enough said sista]
At the end of the day, whether its a lie or a white lie, as long as it makes you happy AND it doesn't hurt others and yourself, it's ok as long as you're comfortable with it and with a clear conscience. That's most important to be able to sleep every night and to be responsible of your actions and words. Don't you think so, people? What are your thoughts on lying?
Labels: Betty Confidential, Women Issues

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