I've popped my cherry!

My 6 unspectacular quirks:
- I have crazily, flexible legs. I can use them almost like my hands. No special training but I think I may be the missing link between primates and humans!!
- I’m terribly phobic of blood. Once I’ve cut myself and blood was gushing out, I nearly blacked out. I’m afraid of the sight, smell and anything blood. But the funny thing is, I don’t mind eating my steak rare :)
- I have a very huge appetite. I can eat a lot and yet still remain slim (Hope I’m not jinxing myself now) I can eat more than an average guy even. I have many nicknames for that. One of them is the ‘Human Vaccumn’ amongst others
- I love to eat my meals with soup or with lots of gravy. I don't like to eat them dry at all. Sometimes when food is too dry, I'll pour some olive oil on to it
- I’m a terrible procastinator. Anything that I can put off today, I WILL put it off. I'd rather do things at the very last minute when I'm running high on adrenaline
- I have overactive tear ducts. Whenever I'm really, really pissed off till boiling point, I will tear. Not crying, but tears will just stream down. It's terrible!
To play tag, here are the rules:
1. link the person who tagged you.
2. mention the rules in your blog.
3. tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. tag 6 random bloggers by linking them at the end of your post.
5. leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.
6. once your post is up, notify the person who tagged you.
I'm tagging: Leeann, Angel, Heidi, Jamie, Your Majesty Health and Beauty and Daily Dose of Coffee
Have fun ladies!!
Labels: Blog tagging

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