Lips are the most
sensual feature of your face. The way a woman part their lips and even the way they lick their lips can drive many into a frenzy. Think Angelina Jolie. That's just how sensual lips are. However, many people tend to neglect the lips. They have no idea of the full potential of lips.
According to some body language gurus, in the dating game, the first thing that men notices on a woman's face are the lips. This is because lips are very sensual in nature. Also, you can tell whether a man is interested in you just by seeing how he parts or smacks his lips. Also, a person with fuller lips are more generous at heart as compared to thin lipped ones. Plus, thin lips also gives an air of stiffness and uptightness.
Therefore, trust me, it does wonders when you take care of your lips. Here are some easy to follow and very effective tips for that sensual pout:
Lips Care 
- You can mix one-tablespoon of cranberry juice with two tablespoons of Vaseline for a delicious and cheap home made lip balm. Yummy!
- Apply lemon skin juice to your lips to avoid dark discoloration. ( Sometimes we get that especially when we use too much lipstick for too long)
- Massage your lips with coriander leaf juice for soft and rosy lips.
A Little Product Recommendation
Oh, by the way, wear a lip balm or gloss when you go out under the sun. Skin on the lips are very thin and they need protection from the sun too
Labels: Christian Dior, Lipstick n Gloss, Natural Remedies
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