Cosmetic surgery makes you go suicidal???
According to research, women who get breast implants are 2 to 3 times more likely to commit suicide than woman who don’t. This same connection was found in 5 independent studies suggesting there may actually be something to it and not just a hypothesis. There was even a suggestion that this value may be higher because women who have breast implants were also more likely to get into fatal car accidents. Surprise! surprise! These would typically be reported as accidents when they could possibly be suicides.
So, the scoop is, why would there be a connection? Here are some of the possible reasons (in order of probability):
1. Undiagnosed psychological problems
This is thought to be the most likely cause. Women who choose to get cosmetic surgery like this are more likely to have some kind of psychological disorder. This includes a condition called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in which a person obsesses about barely noticeable or non-existent flaws in their appearance.
2. Substance abuse
Women who get breast implants are also more likely to partake in drugs and alcohol. Could be just a coincidence that these women happen to have breast implants, but chances are, the cause of their deaths are more due to substance abuse.
3. Implant leaks
While the scientists say this is highly unlikely it hasn’t been ruled out. It is possible that the chemicals in breast implants are leaking out, affecting the brain, and triggering suicide. But, looking at today's technology and advances in the plastic surgery department, it doesn't look like a strong reason.
Amazingly, about three hundred thousand American women had breast implants averaging in a year. Is it really all the rage? I have the solution here:
Hmm... maybe you can try using push up bras or breast enhancing creams, that are less invasive. Well, just gotta try to accept our own uniqueness and to learn to love ourselves more. Now, that is real beauty, says the Beauty Tyrant.
Suggested Readings
You can read more about real horror plastic surgery here.
Labels: Plastic Surgery

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