I live under a rock in the ice ages

Then, I have to choose a name for my blog. I thought it was easy to do that and all, but its freaking shitty. I cant seem to find the right name. Mind just went blank and I came up with too many shitty names, ie, Stilletoed psychopomp (am I being too honest or wat?) beauty ramblings, beauty and me - a story of hair fetish ( I will explain the next time why it came out. hehe...), technology aint my best friend, asswipe on the keyboard..... you get my drift. So, I've finally settled to this name. If you have better ideas, give me a holler.
Next, is the layout. I'm a Libra, I'm supposed to be more artistically inclined, but anything that involves technology of some sort just renders me nothing more than brain porridge. I was like, err... I like black so I choose black, but in my mind, I envisioned an astonishingly beautiful blog. Well, I guess, after all the searching and trying out each template, I gave up, I will settle for black and so be it. It may not be the most beautiful blog but it's my very first attempt at one. Give me credits for that!
Then, it was the profile part and usually I have loads to say of what I like and what I dont like, but the virtual cat has caught my tongue or fingers in this matter. I will update my profile as and when I regain my composure.
Well, you know the drill of what you need to do when you just started a blog and I dont want to drone over and over again about my lack of logic for all things technology.
I will try to be more well behaved in my next post :)
Labels: Beauty Tyrant

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