My Brother, Power Rangers and Acne

In case you don't know who Power Rangers are: They are cool and magnificent at the time when you are like 6 or 7 years old. They are western equivalent of Ultraman, but it comes in 5. Five times the super hero action!!
The Rascal
This is how it all started. You see, I have a younger brother who is a real big fan of Power Rangers back then. He is madly in love with them. He will cry and holler whenever my mom is watching her movies and his power rangers are on simultaneously on another channel. Power rangers come on TV every Sunday at 7 pm during dinner time. Being the little tyke that he is, he will kick up such a ruckus just so he could watch them. He was a real pain in the ass then.... and also now. Naturally,he would be forced to sit elsewhere to finish his dinner while watching them heroes after the great commotion he has created. Like an obedient puppy, he will bring his plate and sit by the floor, near the TV just to lap up all of the action from his superheroes, never blinking once. You could put all the food he hates like veggies and all and at the end of the program his plate is wiped off clean. He probably has no idea what he is eating. Now, that's a totally different story.
The Question
So, being a young and trusting boy that time, he asked me, why do all the rangers wear masks? So, being the real big and wise sister, I said, "Don't tell this secret, but they wear masks because their faces are full of ugly huge pimples. They are very vain teenagers and they wouldn't want little boys like you to see how ugly they are. So the little robot that always say Ai-yai-yai-yai-yai created funky masks for them to look cool. If you ever see how ugly and pizza-faced they are, you won't like them anymore. Shh... Don't tell this secret, ok?" And the poor boy went scampering and cried the whole night while I chuckled and grinned the whole time at my own genius. His image of his superheroes are scarred for life.
Little Love Note to Power Rangers
On the lighter note, power rangers, use the precious Murad Acne Complex Kit Kit
When you follow the steps in the Murad Acne Complex Kit Kit

Power Ranger Boys
PS: Notice the young man holding the little baby boy, our nephew (our favourite cousin sis's eldest boy) with power rangers toys around them. That's my brother all grown up now. So, he is still a power rangers fan at heart as captured here. Notice the huge angry red zit on his chin and a splatter of them on his cheeks? It's time for more slavery around the house!!!
Labels: Acne Treatments, Dr. Murad

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