9 Tips to be Glamorous

The Aim?
We all want to look beautiful and glamorous. To walk into the room and see heads turn, to be the spotlight of the night. Wherever we go, we can be rest assured there will be attention and appreciative nods. Well, here is a checklist of things I think we should bear in mind to achieve glam, says the glam puss wannabe (see pic above):
1) Accesorize at a minimum - you dont need to clutter yourself with accesories like rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, brooches AND everything else. You dont want to walk around like a christmas tree. Have a cute pair of earrings, a ring and maybe a necklace and you are ready to go. The attention should be on you and not your accesorries. Normally I just wear my ring, sans earrings and a necklace (once in a while)
2) Don't assault others visually- You do not have to be a fashion hound, sniffing all the new trends in town. We usually cannot carry off some styles as well as what we see on fashion mags. Therefore, be wise to see which style suits you best and its no harm sticking to it. Better to be sure of your winning style than to try out new styles looking like a babboon high on crack.
3) Dress simple and beautiful - You do not need to cramp your style thinking you should wear more fanciful clothes to look good - leggings, pleads, checks, layers, bohemian style all at one go. If you want to mix and match, by all means, but make sure they match in style. We dont want to walk around in a polka dotted blouse and checks on the skirt. You're not one of the sideshows in the circus. Remember, less is beautiful.
4) Dont be color blind - Always match the colors of your clothes when you pair them up. You would want the colors to blend seamlessly and not one trying to outdo the other. Also, remmeber to match your shoes with your clothes. You do not want all the attention to go to any single piece of clothing or your shoes, but attention should be on you.
5) Have a good posture - If you stand like a hunchback, chances are you will lose out to the rest. Enough said. Walk straight with a straight back and chins up. A good posture is very very attractive.

6) Be neat - Always make sure your fingernails are neat, free of any dirt and your nail polish, if you wear them, have a fresh coat and not dull. If you have bare nails, make sure they are not chipped and are of even length. Also, make sure you wear your clothes properly, lapels and collars are turned out properly, buttons are not left hanging from their meant to be places, no threads running. Also, make sure your shoes are in tip top condition. Fix your heels if they are chipped or if they make squeaky noises as you walk. You are not out for a competition to attract little rodents and wild animals as you walk.
7) Makeup - Wear makeup as a complement to your natural beauty and not to repaint another face on your own. We dont need to put on layers and layers of makeup to look beautiful. Alittle eye shadow and mascara, some blush and some lipstick will make you naturally stunning. Dont end up looking like a deranged clown. Makeup is to draw out your natural beauty and not to hide it with layers of colors. Garish makeup makes you look less than sophisticated. I like my Loreal Double Extension waterproof mascara in very black, Loreal Liner Resist Waterproof in noir black and Revlon's Superlustrous Lipgloss in Raisin Glaze and I'm ready to go.

My mascara, lipgloss and eyeliner that I swear by them
8) Check and double check - look at your relection in the mirror to see your overall appearance before you step out of your house. Make sure you have worn your clothes properly, everything is zipped up or buttoned up properly. It's not very glamarous when you're fiddling in embarrasment trying to zip up/button up in public when you are exposed. Your accessories are not too overpowering, your make up is complementing and your clothes are beautiful and simple. When you're satisfied with what you see, chances are others will think the same too. If you're happy with yourself, you ooze confidence and confidence goes hand in hand with glam.
9) Show your pearly whites - Flash your million dollar smile when talking to your friends or strangers. But, make sure there are no horrible veggie stuck between the gap of your teeth. And no bad breath please. If you have to, rinse your mouth with Listerine mouthwash before you go out. Nobody needs to smell what you had for lunch earlier on.
This is my two cent's worth. Now, I'm ready to step out in style!
Labels: Beauty Tips, Loreal, Revlon

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