Do you feel ugly?

Do you suffer from pangs of jealousy and feel overly competitive when you see an attractive woman on the street or when you're casually thumbing through your monthly fav fashion magazine? Do you wish to be taller, have smoother skin, have glossier hair, have larger eyes etc etc... Do you sometimes feel like you want to hibernate in your little shell for eternity just so you don't have to face another day feeling ugly and unworthy? Do you secretly wish to look like somebodyelse, to have a complete plastic surgery to be the perfect one?
You know what? You're not alone. Insecurities are a common problem faced by many women, even supermodels and celebrities feel insecure at times. For example, beautiful supermodel Amber Valetta had therapy to gain her self worth again. So, you don't have to feel ashamed of yourself or to suffer your insecurities alone.
You need to understand that each of us are unique in our own different ways, be it in size or color. Embrace your own uniqueness. I applaud women like Mo'Nique who embraces her ample figure, Sudanese supermodel Alek Wek who loves her skin color and ethnicity. Also, a big applause to ex-supermodel, host of American Next Top Model superbabe Tyra Banks on her Tyra Banks Show. Most of her shows are empowering women to accept themselves and womenhood.
I also have a lot of insecurities about myself, but it's ok, it's only human to have hookups about ourselves. But the most important thing is to pick yourself up after that, to learn to love yourself and appreciate what you've been bestowed with. With confidence, your natural beauty shines through
So, lift your chin up high and you're simply beautiful!!
Labels: Women Issues

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