The life and times of the most beautiful uncle in the world
He is responsible for teaching me my very first bad word. Well, no, he didn't exactly teach me, but he usually spews profanity when he didn't win anything in the lotto and I being a young kiddo will ask him what's the meaning of that particular word he always repeats. He will vehemently deny saying that particular word and warned me not to use it as its a very b-a-d word. The minute he said that, being a rascal myself, I quickly commited that word to memory and proudly chant it over and over again while running around the entire house. He will try in vain to stop me from saying it while my aunty was glaring at him with daggers out of her eyes. Think of the scene in Meet the Fockers where the little baby learnt to say a-s-s-h-o-l-e from Ben Stiller's character, Mr Gaylord Focker :P
My uncle is the most hardworking man and he never says no when people ask him for favours. That is my sweet uncle and he is always smiling and happy even when he has the weight of the whole world on his shoulders. He was alot of fun to be around, often with silly antics and remarks. Plus, he has a big love for children.
My uncle and aunty are quite an oddball couple but he loves my aunty with all his heart and their love is extremely special. He loves women with a bit of meat on them but my aunty is really very skinny and he fondly gives her pet names for her petite physique. My aunty, on the other hand, would lament that our uncle tricked her. She said. "He would always visit me all dressed up in white shirt and white pants and clean shoes, looking very handsome and polished like a knight in shining armour everytime he visits during our courtship". "I thought he was an educated government officer then, little did I know he is an illiterate" she said in jest. She quipped, "...but its too late by the time I find out" which my uncle cheekily added, "'s because your aunty is too in love with me by then!".
They do not talk much to each other but the love that they share is just so genuine and so beautiful and pure. When they quarrel, and that is very rare, they will have silent cold wars and glaring competitions until my goofy uncle will try to say something silly to make my aunty laugh. Even when they are having cold wars, my aunty will massage his back with oilment every night before he sleeps as he has been suffering from a painful back for a long time. Such is the love that they share.
He is a real vain pot too as he would obligingly give in to our requests by flexing his muscles while we ooh and aahed over how big his biceps are. After dinner, he will proudly ask us to touch his stomach and to feel how rock hard it is. And we will squeal in delight while being really convinced that he has swallowed stones instead. Little did we know that the rock hard stomach and his painful back are symptoms that he has been harbouring a tumour in his liver, for approximately 10 years, as the doctor later discovered. His tumour was the size of a small balloon and my uncle is already at his last stage of cancer, but nobody not even himself knew of his tumour. He has always been healthy and we can't even remember when was the last time he fell ill.
From a sturdy buffed man, in just 1 week, my uncle is rendered to a shockingly skeletal frame. He couldn't eat, sleep, stand, sit nor lie down. He was in agony. It was both painful and heart wrenching to see this happy-go-lucky man suffer in pain. As I recall him, it still makes me alittle misty eyed. It even hurts us more when he was sobbing on the hospital bed, saying he wished he had adopted a healthier diet prior to this. My uncled loved meat and all kinds of meat, including domestic meat and game meat; and hates vegetables with a vengeance, except for lettuce. It's the only vegetable he eats without grumbling. Even when he was suffering, he didn't dare to groan in pain loudly for fear it'll break our hearts further. Such is the big heart that he has, that even at his time of immense pain, his thoughts were on his loved ones.
After one month with his brave battle against cancer, he finally succumbed to it peacefully on Independance day. What I regret most is not telling my uncle that he is like a second father to me. But I believe he knows and he can feel my affection for him.That is the extraordinary life of a very simple man with a heart larger than his body, whom I love as an uncle and as my second father.

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